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Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is a necessity.

It may also be the foundation of a new carbon economy. 
Studies suggest that if our planet is to stand a decent chance of staying below a 2° Celsius limit on warming an additional 5bn tonnes of carbon dioxide need to be removed from the atmosphere every year.
Durable removal projects need to scale up far more quickly. And they need to earn trust. Reliable MRV is a top priority.
There is a lack of clarity regarding the legal nature of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) credits. This impacts, for example, what types of security may be taken and enforced against CDR credits and how CDR credits are treated following an insolvency.
We advise project developers, suppliers of CDR credits and VCM platforms on the preparation and negotiation of agreements for short-term, forward, pre-purchase and brokerage agreements for CDR credits and related IP licensing agreements, mainly related to the following applications: 
- Biochar 
- Bioenergy with CCS or BECCS
- Enhanced Mineralization
- Direct Air Capture 
- Soil Carbon Sequestration 

Are you working on carbon removal solutions?

Let's discuss your needs and how we can help you today.